Hello there, I was wondering when you would show up. Welcome to my quiet corner of the internet. I'm a human from planet earth and am commonly known as Rupu when I'm online. This site is really just an experiment and something for me to mess around with when I'm bored, so don't expect anything groundbreaking lol.
As you might have already noticed I'm a fan of the Commodore 64, a classic home computer from the 1980s that still has a strong following and userbase today. New games and software, music for the awesome 6581 and 8580 SID sound chips and demos that are made to really test the limitations of the aging C64 hardware.
I dabble in pixel art from time to time, as usual for me it's very sporadic and unproductive but I enjoy it when I do get around to it. Art in general is something I've had an interest in my whole life, music, writing, cinema, visual art.. It's all very inspiring and interesting to see the marks others have left in time.
I wouldn't call myself a musician but I do love music. I've attempted various things with music over the years and nothing has really stuck, the thing that's stayed with me is that music has been there for me when nobody else has, It's seen me through some of the hardest times of my life and has been my best friend in a lot of ways.
The human race seem to be the masters of shitting on their own doorstep. The world we live in today is so full of piles of waste that we've made and have no way to dispose of it makes me think we forgot this planet is our home. What happened to the values of respecting the universe and the planet. It's the only one we've got for fucks sake.